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Updated 30/12/2015


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L'équipe de France F1E with P Chaussebourg

Thierry et Roland


INFO 19/03/2009

General meeting 2009 of the FFAM

Sunday March 15, in the buildings that house French Sport (Charlety stadium) our federation organized its annual general meeting. The CMR, just like the 724 other clubs that constitute the base of the FFAM were invited and thus, I went there to represent you.

The stakes were particularly important this year, arriving at the end of its mandate, the management committee of our federation was to be renewed. An elective year therefore, but also a moment to assess the last four years. I will not reiterate the details, each one will find the complete report in the next number of Aéromodèles and I can only advise you to read it completely. I know well that for some this “nonsense” impinges lightly on their model making activity but the assiduous reading of the report of the general meeting could prevent some raising the questions which were already discussed.

I will restrict myself to giving you my impression on this AG. Many people attended, probably the largest AG that I have known (and I have attended them for 30 years) with use of up to date communication helping a well-run team.

Seeing the amphitheatre filled is comforting and the office of the FFAM should be proud about it!
The AG, orchestrated masterfully by the President and Thierry Bordier, was conducted perfectly, without idle periods and little waste of time, even if it meant asking the chatterers to curtail their monologues. Our president Bruno DELOR announced that very soon, the FFAM would be recognized as a public utility. Surprised or by not understanding the implications, the audience did not seem to me sensitive to this change. After having lately filled some requests for subsidies, I believe that this recognition should enable us to make the difference when a decision for an award is to be taken.

In the corridors, it was the occasion to find dozens of friends or acquaintances, to discuss the past year and projects, to propose its candidature to the sub-committee for organization of future championships, etc…

During this gathering, the best specialists in each category who reached a podium in the championship of Europe or World in 2008 were rewarded. The CMR was particularly distinguished with Pierre Chaussebourg member from the champion team from Europe F1E (sailplane with magnetic guidance) and Roland Surugue/Thierry Ougen, vice-champion of world F2C (TEAM-Racing) and member of the team of France World Champion (Thierry came to join his mechanic with the CMR at the beginning of year).

After counting of the votes of the 20 members of the management committee that saw the election of our two regional members Michele and François Venec for a second mandate, the executive team met to propose to the assembly the name of Bruno Delor for the position of president of the FFAM. The SNCF timetable obliged that I could vote but could not await the results. However, in order to satisfy my curiosity, and yours I got the information and I am able assure you that Bruno Delor is again and for 4 years, the President of the FFAM.


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